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Friday, December 30, 2022

Proof that The Rich Man and Lazarus is a PARABLE

Abraham is a key character in Jesus' story of The Rich Man and Lazarus found in Luke 16. Is this a literal story of the dead actually living? Or is it a parable?

The story would lead us to believe Abraham is one of the living-dead. But Jesus says, just four chapters later in Luke 20, that Abraham is dead (as in REALLY dead, what I have to call "dead-dead" because too many people teach and believe the error that the dead are living, the "living-dead").

Don't fear! None of the dead are being tormented in flame. They're dead. They will be raised by their Lord, Christ Jesus, and continue on in God's good plan for them.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

5 Benefits For Believing Jesus NOW

If all are saved by Christ (and they are), why bother believing? There's no benefit, right? WRONG!

There are tremendous benefits from God for those who believe in this life.

God has great and good plans for all.

But those who believe now will enjoy some pretty terrific extras.

My advice? Believe Jesus NOW! I'm betting you wouldn't wait to date that hot girl, or cash that winning lottery ticket. This is even better.