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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Dead Jesus couldn’t save Himself out of death (but He knew the One Who could)

Did dead Jesus save Himself out of death? No. He couldn't. He was dead. Dead-dead, not living-dead as OrthoBOX Christianity would have us believe.

The dead, including the Son of God, do nothing, know nothing, and God is not their God (Ecclesiastes 9:5,10; Luke 20:38). No one comes out of death apart from the power of the only true God, the only source of life, the Father of Jesus.

And (this is so good!), all will be saved out of death because "we rely on the living God, Who is the Savior of all mankind," (1 Timothy 4:10).

Death is the last enemy, and it will be undone for all.


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Surprising Words From God About Intoxicating Drink

Wine and strong drink are gifts from God. God gave wine to make the heart of man rejoice. I like rejoicing. We are free to enjoy all of God's gifts. And we are free to not enjoy all of His gifts.

In this wicked eon, most of God's gifts, maybe even all of them, can be abused. Understanding what God says about wine and strong drink will help us properly enjoy our freedom regarding wine and strong drink.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Salvation Precedes Judgment


Many, like John Piper, John MacArthur and Chris Date, actually teach that God's love is limited, and Jesus' death will only benefit some, not all.

These words from Jesus should settle the issue, but sadly, they don't for many people. John 3:16-17,

For thus God loves the world, so that He gives His only-begotten Son, that everyone who is believing in Him should not be perishing, but may be having life eonian.
17 For God does not dispatch His Son into the world that He should be judging the world, but that the world may be saved through Him.

But that's not all Jesus said on the matter. Watch the video. You'll be glad you did.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Why Hitler Will Return Into God

What do you, Hitler, Kenneth Copeland, The Nature Boy Ric Flair, Oprah, The Pope, a crying baby, and a goofball all have in common? You all, we all, came out of God, and we will all return into God. The final destination for all of God's creation is good. God will be "All in all" (1 Corinthians 15:28). You won't hear this in church. But you'll see it in the Scriptures, and you'll see it in this video.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Jesus, Savior From ALL Sin

Some, like John MacArthur, say there is ONE SIN that God and Jesus can't, or won't, take care of, the "unforgivable sin." That's odd, given the fact that Jesus came to save sinners from sin (1 Timothy 1:15, Matthew 1:21). Satan has employed a very powerful and effective lie that has enslaved millions in fear for far too long. Be set free by this Big Truth of God.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

The GOD Conference, September 15-17, Des Moines, Iowa

We're happy to announce The GOD Conference is set for this coming September 15-17 in Des Moines, Iowa. Please join us. All are welcome: believers, non-yet believers, atheists, cab drivers, attorneys, etc. Here is the link to the conference information page

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

God's Elect Aren't the Only Ones Saved from Sin and Death

My path from atheist to believer in Jesus was set by God long before I was conceived. I'm cool with that. I couldn't change it if I WASN'T cool with it. God's in charge and operating everything according to His perfect plan.

And "the elect," aka "the chosen," they aren't the only ones saved, just the first ones. God will work through the elect to reach the rest in this life, and after this life.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Is Your Bible Lying to You About God and Jesus?

The pages of most bibles are laced with Satan's poison. The poison can destroy your hope and kill your joy. It turns anticipation into fear. But, as always, with God, there is a solution. And the truth will heal you and set you free.

James White: Repackaging Satan's Old Lie

OrthoBOX Christianity proclaims, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." I've heard it often. Their boldness has no basis. Their words are unsound, and their lie is a big one. It's simply a repackaging of Satan's old lie, "You shall not surely die." Even the Son of God died (meaning He was dead-dead, not living-dead). No worries, Mate. God has the perfect solution for death: vivification.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

2 Mega Myths: Monotheism and the Trinity

The myth of monotheism feeds the trick of the trinity. The only true God (aka the only true Placer), the Father of Jesus, has no problem with others being called "theos/god." The only true God made the other gods/placers. The only true God Himself calls these others "gods."

God and His Son each have unique glories. And neither of Them is diminished if there is no trinity. The trinity is a damaging doctrine of demons that misplaces the placers, and confuses the masses regarding the only true God and His Son.

Friday, March 10, 2023

The Ends of the 4 Christian Hells: Gehenna, the Lake of Fire, Sheol/Hades, Tartarus

Mainstream Christianity says hell is everlasting, and there is no escape or rescue for its inhabitants. That's not quite what God said.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Why NO ONE Can Come to Jesus

Scripture is written from 2 viewpoints: the Absolute Viewpoint and the Relative Viewpoint.

Understanding both, and how they work together without contradicting each other, will bring much clarity to your understanding of God and His ways.

The two examples of the different viewpoints in this video will reveal to you how to see and experience life today in the relative, knowing that, absolutely, God has everything under perfect control.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Why Jesus Will Stop Being King

Jesus is very good at what He does. So good, in fact, that He will work Himself out of a great job: King. 

And that's good for all. He'll get us all to the true promised land of Scripture: God being "All in all" (1 Corinthians 15:28).

And when He gets us there, His work as King, Mediator, Savior, Judge and Reconciler will be finished, successfully.

The thought of God and Christ battling their enemies forever is quite depressing, and, thankfully, not true. 

Rejoice, for you, no matter who you are or what you've done, will be part of the "all" that God will be "All" in.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

God's got billions of enemies, and He's at peace with every single one of them

God loves His enemies (and His friends). God is at peace with you, whether friend or foe, whether you believe it or not. This is possible only because of Jesus' beneficial death for all. And His resurrection verified that His work for us was successful.

God is now calling the world to be at peace with Him. Then, when both sides are at peace with the other, reconciliation is obtained. Christ, as the Mediator between God and man, is the One Who will make full reconciliation a reality for all. Be at peace with God today. Great benefits will be yours.